

A Flask extension for compressing/minifying assets.

A Flask-Script submanager is also provided.



To install:

$ pip install Flask-Funnel

You can also install the development version https://github.com/rehandalal/flask-funnel/tarball/master#egg=Flask-Funnel-dev:

$ pip install Flask-Funnel==dev


$ git clone git://github.com/rehandalal/flask-funnel.git
$ mkvirtualenv flaskfunnel
$ python setup.py develop
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


To get started using Flask-Funnel simply add the following to your Flask app:

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.import Funnel

app = Flask(__name__)


To run tests from a tarball or git clone:

$ python setup.py test


  • Flask 0.8 (or later)

One of the following:


  • LESS: if you need to compile LESS files.
  • SCSS: if you need to compile SCSS files.
  • Stylus: if you need to compule Stylus files.
  • COFFEE: if you need to compile COFFEE files.
  • Autoprefixer: if you want to have your CSS files autoprefixed.

Installing YUI Compressor

To use YUI Compressor you must install Java. Once Java has been installed make sure to set JAVA_BIN in your application config.

You can download YUI Compressor from https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/downloads and make sure that YUI_COMPRESSOR_BIN points to the yuicompressor-x.y.z.jar file.


There are several configuration options available for Flask-Funnel:


A dict of CSS bundles:

app.config['CSS_BUNDLES'] = {
    'bundle1': (

Defaults to: {}


A dict of JavaScript bundles:

app.config['JS_BUNDLES'] = {
    'the_bundle': (

Defaults to: {}


This is the default value for the media attribute of the <link> tag for stylesheets.

Defaults to: 'screen,projection,tv'


The subdirectory of the static directory that the generated bundles are saved to.

Defaults to: 'bundles'


If you plan on using YUI Compressor you must set this variable.

It has no default value.


If you plan on using YUI Compressor you must set this variable.

It has no default value.


If you require LESS support you must point this to lessc.

Defaults to: 'lessc'


If you want LESS files to be compiled when app.debug is True and compressed files are not being used.

Defaults to: True


If you require SCSS support you must point this to scss.

Defaults to: 'scss'


If you want SCSS files to be compiled when app.debug is True and compressed files are not being used.

Defaults to: True


If you require Stylus support you must point this to stylus.

Defaults to: 'stylus'


If you want Stylus files to be compiled when app.debug is True and compressed files are not being used.

Defaults to: True


If you require COFFEE support you must point this to coffee.

Defaults to: 'coffee'


If you want CoffeeScript files to be compiled when app.debug is True and compressed files are not being used.

Defaults to: True


If you want to use Autoprefixer you must point this to autoprefixer.

Defaults to: 'autoprefixer'


Flag to indicated whether to run Autoprefixer on bundles and preprocessed files.

Defaults to: False


Determines which browsers to prefix for. See Autoprefixer documentation for more information.

Defaults to: 'last 2 versions'


If you want to use UglifyJS you must set this variable.

It has no default value.


If you want to use clean-css you must set this variable.

It has no default value.


If you are using Flask-S3 you must set this to use Flask-S3’s url_for() function.

Defaults to: False

Including bundles in templates

To include a bundle in a template you can use the css() or js() function:

{# Jinja2 template #}
<!doctype html>
    <title>The Title</title>
    {{ css('bundle-name') }}
    {{ js('bundle-name') }}

This will generate the appropriate markup for each bundle.

Note: When app.debug is True these will output markup for each file in the bundle.

Media types for stylesheets

The css() function will, by default, generate <link> tags with a media attribute set to CSS_MEDIA_DEFAULT. You can override this by passing an optional second argument.

Using the manager to bundle and minify assets

The extension provides a sub-manager for Flask-Script which can be used as follows:

from flask.ext.script import Manager
from flask.ext.funnel.manager import manager as funnel_manager

manager = Manager(app)
manager.add_command('funnel', funnel_manager)

You can now use the manager to bundle and minify your assets using:

$ ./manage.py funnel bundle_assets

This will create a bundle folder within the app’s static folder to store the bundled files. CSS bundles go into a css subfolder and JavaScript bundles go into the js subfolder. Each of these subfolders will have a number of *-min.* files which are the compressed and minified versions of the bundles.

What’s new in Flask-Funnel

Version 0.1.10:

  • Add support for Autoprefixer

Version 0.1.9:

  • Fix @import issues in Stylus

Version 0.1.8:

  • Added support for SASS
  • Added support for Stylus
  • Added support for CoffeeScript

Version 0.1.7:

  • Can now use attr() in CSS urls

Version 0.1.6:

  • Fixed a bug with LESS preprocessing

Version 0.1.5:

  • Fixed an issue with CSS relative url rewrites

Version 0.1.4:

  • Fixed a bug with YUI COMPRESSOR

Version 0.1.3:

  • Added support for Flask-S3

Version 0.1:

  • first release


  • Rehan Dalal (rdalal/rehandalal)
  • Will Kahn-Greene (willkg)
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